

Friday, April 25, 2008

Persahabatan (Sahabat Sejati)

Persahabatan sering menyuguhkan beberapa cobaan, tetapi persahabatan sejati bisa mengatasi cobaan itu bahkan bertumbuh bersama karenanya…
Persahabatan tidak terjalin secara automatik tetapi memerlukan proses yang panjang seperti besi menajamkan besi,demikianlah sahabat menajamkan sahabatnya. Persahabatan diwarnai dengan berbagai pengalaman suka dan duka, dihibur-disakiti,diperhatikan-dikecewakan, didengar-diabaikan, dibantu-ditolak,namun semua ini tidak pernah sengaja dilakukandengan tujuan kebencian.

Apa yang kita alami demi teman kadang-kadang melelahkan dan menjengkelkan, tetapi itulah yang membuat persahabatan mempunyai nilai yang indah.

Seorang sahabat tidak akan menyembunyikan kesalahan untuk menghindari perselisihan, justru karena kasihnyaia memberanikan diri menegur apa adanya. Sahabat tidak pernah membungkus pukulan dengan ciuman,tetapi menyatakan apa yang amat menyakitkandengan tujuan sahabatnya mau berubah.

Proses dari teman menjadi sahabat membutuhkan usahapemeliharaan dari kesetiaan, tetapi bukan pada saat kitamembutuhkan bantuan barulah kita memiliki motivasimencari perhatian, pertolongan dan pernyataaan kasihdari orang lain, tetapi justru ia beriinisiatif memberikandan mewujudkan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh sahabatnya.

Kerinduannya adalah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sahabatnya,karena tidak ada persahabatan yang diawali dengan sikap egoistis.Semua orang pasti membutuhkan sahabat sejati,namun tidak semua orang berhasil mendapatkannya.Banyak pula orang yang telah menikmati indahnya persahabatan, namunada juga yang begitu hancur karena dikhianati sahabatnya.

Beberapa hal seringkali menjadi penghancurpersahabatan antara lain :

1. Masalah berkaitan kewangan

2. Ketidakterbukaan

3. Kehilangan kepercayaan

4. Perubahan perasaan antara lawan jenis

5. Ketidaksetiaan.

Tetapi penghancur persahabatan ini telah berhasil dipatahkanoleh sahabat-sahabat yang teruji kesejatian motivasinya.

Renungkan :**Mempunyai satu sahabat sejati lebih berharga dari seribu teman yang mementingkan diri sendiri“Dalam masa kejayaan, teman2 mengenal kita. Dalam kesengsaraan, kita mengenal teman2 kita.”**

***Di petik dr Friendster****

Account Work as General

Accountants and auditors help to ensure that the Nation’s firms are run efficiently, its public records kept accurately, and its taxes paid properly and on time. They perform these vital functions by offering an increasingly wide array of business and accounting services, including public, management, and government accounting, as well as internal auditing, to their clients. Beyond carrying out the fundamental tasks of the occupation—preparing, analyzing, and verifying financial documents in order to provide information to clients—many accountants now are required to possess a wide range of knowledge and skills. Accountants and auditors are broadening the services they offer to include budget analysis, financial and investment planning, information technology consulting, and limited legal services. Specific job duties vary widely among the four major fields of accounting: public, management, and government accounting and internal auditing.

Public accountants perform a broad range of accounting, auditing, tax, and consulting activities for their clients, which may be corporations, governments, nonprofit organizations, or individuals. For example, some public accountants concentrate on tax matters, such as advising companies about the tax advantages and disadvantages of certain business decisions and preparing individual income tax returns. Others offer advice in areas such as compensation or employee health care benefits, the design of accounting and data-processing systems, and the selection of controls to safeguard assets. Still others audit clients’ financial statements and inform investors and authorities that the statements have been correctly prepared and reported. Public accountants, many of whom are Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), generally have their own businesses or work for public accounting firms. Some public accountants specialize in forensic accounting—investigating and interpreting white-collar crimes such as securities fraud and embezzlement, bankruptcies and contract disputes, and other complex and possibly criminal financial transactions, including money laundering by organized criminals. Forensic accountants combine their knowledge of accounting and finance with law and investigative techniques in order to determine whether an activity is illegal. Many forensic accountants work closely with law enforcement personnel and lawyers during investigations and often appear as expert witnesses during trials.

In response to recent accounting scandals, new Federal legislation restricts the nonauditing services that public accountants can provide to clients. If an accounting firm audits a client’s financial statements, that same firm cannot provide advice on human resources, technology, investment banking, or legal matters, although accountants may still advise on tax issues, such as establishing a tax shelter. Accountants may still advise other clients in these areas or may provide advice within their own firm.

Management accountants—also called cost, managerial, industrial, corporate, or private accountants—record and analyze the financial information of the companies for which they work. Among their other responsibilities are budgeting, performance evaluation, cost management, and asset management. Usually, management accountants are part of executive teams involved in strategic planning or the development of new products. They analyze and interpret the financial information that corporate executives need in order to make sound business decisions. They also prepare financial reports for other groups, including stockholders, creditors, regulatory agencies, and tax authorities. Within accounting departments, management accountants may work in various areas, including financial analysis, planning and budgeting, and cost accounting.

Government accountants and auditors work in the public sector, maintaining and examining the records of government agencies and auditing private businesses and individuals whose activities are subject to government regulations or taxation. Accountants employed by Federal, State, and local governments guarantee that revenues are received and expenditures are made in accordance with laws and regulations. Those employed by the Federal Government may work as Internal Revenue Service agents or in financial management, financial institution examination, or budget analysis and administration.

Internal auditors verify the accuracy of their organization’s internal records and check for mismanagement, waste, or fraud. Internal auditing is an increasingly important area of accounting and auditing. Internal auditors examine and evaluate their firms’ financial and information systems, management procedures, and internal controls to ensure that records are accurate and controls are adequate to protect against fraud and waste. They also review company operations, evaluating their efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance with corporate policies and procedures, laws, and government regulations. There are many types of highly specialized auditors, such as electronic data-processing, environmental, engineering, legal, insurance premium, bank, and health care auditors. As computer systems make information timelier, internal auditors help managers to base their decisions on actual data, rather than personal observation. Internal auditors also may recommend controls for their organization’s computer system, to ensure the reliability of the system and the integrity of the data.

Computers are rapidly changing the nature of the work of most accountants and auditors. With the aid of special software packages, accountants summarize transactions in standard formats used by financial records and organize data in special formats employed in financial analysis.

These accounting packages greatly reduce the amount of tedious manual work associated with data management and recordkeeping. Computers enable accountants and auditors to be more mobile and to use their clients’ computer systems to extract information from databases and the Internet. As a result, a growing number of accountants and auditors with extensive computer skills are specializing in correcting problems with software or in developing software to meet unique data management and analytical needs. Accountants also are beginning to perform more technical duties, such as implementing, controlling, and auditing systems and networks, developing technology plans, and analyzing and devising budgets.

Increasingly, accountants also are assuming the role of a personal financial advisor. They not only provide clients with accounting and tax help, but also help them develop personal budgets, manage assets and investments, plan for retirement, and recognize and reduce their exposure to risks. This role is a response to clients’ demands for a single trustworthy individual or firm to meet all of their financial needs. However, accountants are restricted from providing these services to clients whose financial statements they also prepare.

Arggghhhh....TAX RETURN


date : 30 April 2008


tarikh nie aku rasa ramai yg tak suka, lebih2 lagi yang bekerja dan eligible tuk bayar Tax,......tapi sib baik skarang dah senang skit compared tahun2 sebelumnya....ada E-Filling...kalau tak jenuh gak nak isi borang manual ngan kena submit by hand kat LHDN.....dah ler tu faham2 jelah..last2 minit...confirm manusia ramai berkumpul kat LHDN...

sib baik aku dah buat awal2....kene tax pun tak ler banyak...sebab monthly dah kene skit je kene bayar (tu pun lepas amik kire beberapa rebata ngan tax release ) . Tak macam last year, aku kene bayar banyak.....1st year kene bayar cukai tu....masa tu 1st time aku buat e filling....buat awal2 tapi bayarnyer...hihihi

Tahun ni serupa gak...sampai skang aku tak bayar lagi...

tunggu gaji baru bayar......tapi diingatkan kita declare income kite as what we received.....jangan sorok2....dorang leh trace income kite.....tak pasal2 nanti kite kene penalti pasal under declared.....lagi bahaya.......
Kalau sapa yg dah pernah experinces bayar cukai.....tau apa yang aku cakap nie..sapa yg tak pernah ade...leh blajar2....hihihihihi
Lagi satu, pada sesapa yang tak de acct LHDN lagi. baik korang bukak trus, senang, tak de lah issue nanti korang dah tolak Tax dr gaji, tapi LHDN kata tak masuk....

Cherating - Kapitan Holiday

Actually dah lama kite bercuti2 Malaysia wit my frenz kat opis ni or lebeih glamer dikenali as KAPITAN...
nape letak nama KAPITAN..??? Biarlah ia menjadi rahsia geng kami...
Perancangan bercuti ke Cherating kali kedua nie sebenarnyer dah lama, sejak last year tapi memandangkan kebzan yg dialami oleh beberapa orang ahli KAPITAN, so kiteorg buat masa Chinese New Year (masa tu kebetulan ada event lain...event apa?? hmmmmmm rahsia gak)Tema percutian kali ini: Percutian Santai

7/2/2008 - 7.54 a.m Aku ngan Ernie bertolak dari rumah menuju ke LRT SG Besi tuk collect Nor pastu trus pi sampai PETRONAS tuk menantikan kehadiran geng kapitan yag lain - Norhaya, Dayang Su ngan Deja.....
Kiteorg berehat sebentar kat PETRONAS tu, breakfast and buang apa2 yang patut.
Then dalam pkl 12.30 pm kiteorg tiba di Suria Cherating Beach resort....
Pi shopping cenderahati, main kat laut,....bersiar2 kat teluk chempedak...makan sata ngan kopok leko, sempat pi Fun Fair........hiihberjayalah menang beberapa hadiah
Nak berkaraoke tak sempat sempat sebab tempat penuh...
kiteorg stay kat sana 2malam n banyak gak aktiviti kiteorg buat...memang havoc lah....

So after this, kiteorg plan nak bercuti lagi.....kat mana??? hmmmmmLokasi yang difikirkan:

Tema percutian kali ini: Percutian Pulau

Pulau Pinang

Pulau Redang

Pulau Besar

Pulau Langkawi

So....rasa2 nyer tempat mana yg best...ada cadangan????

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Menang Lukisan?????

(Gambo credit to Eyla)


Suratan atau kebetulan...

aku masuk Kuiz aksi Murai tuk dapat lukisan yg di lukis oleh adek and adik...


so memang tak sangka bile dapat hadiah tu...


sangat gembira....


Thanx to pilih kite sebagai salah seorang pemenang n Mama, B Lang and Eyla ( leh menyamar as family member kita) yg temankan pi amik lukisan tu kat Astro...

Ngan tak disangka....ada press conf...uhhhhh

ni yg paling mendebarkan...dan yang kite tak suka....nak tak nak..terpaksa posing paksa (dalam hati sapa yg tau)......

Pastu satu hal lagi.....dari awal dah pikir..macam mana nak bawak balik lukisan tu...kereta kenari aku tu sure tak muat.....nak tak nak terpaksa kopakkan lukisan tu...(masa nie sumer tunjuk muka sedih)

Akhirnya lukisan tu ade dirumah kite...dah ade beberapa orang yang posing kat lukisan tu...ala2 hindustan lagi....
