Hmm...quite sometimes aku dah tak post kat blog ni. so skang aku decided to write back. Wpun aku ni tak lah good in writting, but juz the matter of blogging, no matter lah boleh tulis dengan baik or not, as long i have somthing to share, its ok for me....
Well, 1st of all, congrats to my sister, Adik, yang dah selamat menukar status ke Mrs Wan Hafidz, semuanya berjalan lancar, alhamdulillah. Thanks to Nor, Zai, Norhaya, Ernie, Abg Noor, Kak Sharimah, and Ayujah yang datang...and for those tak datang, tak hal punyer....aku actually nak share few pic of my sis wedding, tapi nantilah aku letak yek...
then, Happy new year to all, apa azam korang this year? Mine? aku punyer pun macam tak de jer ni, what i can say is that aku actually dalam frustration mood, dilema, and macam2 lah...pening pun ada. and actually the reason aku menulis balik ni because of this.
It's already near to deadline which is i need to decide what best for me...dalam FB aku asyik tulis, to stay or to go, but reality is that aku rasa ni antara keputusan tersusah yang aku nak buat...macam ni lah sebenarnya, aku sangat sayangkan accounting and in the same time i ve better oppurtunity to stay in my current positions which is totally differ from account. Aku suka both of it but the thing is that i need to decide yang mana aku nak....of coirse aku tak boleh tamak....takkan aku nak buat dua keje dalam satu masa....confius, pening, frust, dilema, sumer dalam kpala otak aku ni.....
i need an advices from someone. and i've tried. but then i realise the answer make thing more complicated....aduii ...aku tak nak lah asyik cakap aku nak fikir2 dulu, nanti orang kata aku ni demand lah, macam hebat sangatlah...tapi macam mana....sampai saat aku buat posting ni pun aku masih bercelaru....arggghhh in tension mood skang ni...
I still hope that someone can help me to decide...seriously....ur opinion are welcome....aku sangat2 menghargai kalau sesapa nak komen on this,...jumpa aku personally lagi bagus, then ur will realises how confusing i am......
ok lah...i thinks thats all for now...
Sab Nyer...
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